Top 10 Effective Dry Cough Home Remedies
Cough is a problem which is very common and can happen to anyone at any time. The slightest change in weather first affects our body, and diseases like dry cough engulf us. Due to cold, our nose and throat get blocked and we have difficulty even breathing. Many times the cold gets cured, but the cough does not go away, and this cough is dry without phlegm.
Dry Cough Home Remedies
It is common for people to suffer from dry cough i.e. phlegm, but these days in the Corona epidemic, this type of cough disease is proving to be very dangerous. But you can cure this at home by adopting some home remedies. Here we are going to tell you some home remedies to cure dry cough, but before that you should know about its causes and symptoms.
When does dry cough occur, causes
- viral infection
- flu
- winter
- Smoking
- excessive exposure to dust and soil
- Having any major disease like TB, asthma, lung cancer etc.
All these are the reasons which make you a victim of disease like dry cough. You need to pay special attention to this.
Symptoms of dry cough
- In dry cough you do not get phlegm, you just cough.
- Due to continuous cough, pain in chest and head also starts.
- Apart from this, due to excessive coughing, pain in the throat and sometimes even in the stomach starts.
- Due to cough we are not able to eat and drink properly.
Dry cough infection
When we go to a party or function and we suffer from this disease, dry cough. We feel embarrassed in front of everyone there. Constant cough makes us visible to everyone and because of us others also start getting worried. Dry cough spreads the most infection, its germs come out of the mouth and get mixed in the air and enter the body of others through breath. Due to which the other person also gets infected by it. That's why people shy away from coming in contact with a person who has cough.
Be careful when you have dry cough
A person with dry cough should always keep a handkerchief with him, and whenever he coughs, keep the handkerchief on his mouth so that the germs do not reach anyone else. Apart from this, you must keep taking advice from the doctor, because this disease can turn into a major disease in the future. Also, so that you do not get dry cough, you will have to be careful due to the causes of this disease.
Treatment of dry cough
Although many medicines for cough are available in the market and they provide relief to us, but if we can get its treatment at home for free then what is the point. There is treatment for every disease in Ayurveda and this treatment is also very effective. In Ayurveda the disease is eradicated slowly but from its roots. Despite taking medicines, dry cough does not get cured in 1-2 days, it takes 10-15 days or sometimes months to get cured. Many times this medicine does not even show its effect.
Dry cough home remedies
Today we will tell you home remedies to get rid of dry cough. These home remedies to get rid of dry cough are very economical and effective. Whenever you or your family members have this disease, all you have to do is treat it according to the items available in your house. These home remedies for dry cough will cure you from this disease. These methods are already in your kitchen, you just need to look around. These home remedies are more tasty and effective than medicines, which your children will also easily taste and eat.
1.Use of honey
According to a research, honey is more effective than any medicine in cough. It has antibacterial properties which destroy cough germs. This method is effective on everyone, both children and adults, and because it is tasty, everyone eats it with gusto. Take 1 tbsp honey 3 times a day, this will definitely give you relief. Take it just before sleeping at night, this will prevent you from coughing while sleeping and you will be able to sleep peacefully. Feed children only 1 tsp instead of 1 tbsp. You can adopt this treatment for children also.
2.Application of turmeric
For a dry cough, turmeric works wonders. Ayurvedic medicine has historically employed turmeric. Not only can turmeric improve our appearance, but it also has positive health effects. Bring ½ cup of water to a boil, then add 1 tsp each of turmeric, cinnamon, and black pepper. Add 1 tablespoon honey and boil for an additional one to two minutes. Drink it twice a day from now on till you feel better. In addition, mix one teaspoon each of celery and turmeric powder into one cup of water. Bring to a boil and reduce by half. Now stir in the honey and drink.
3.Use of ginger
Ginger is a natural medicine for cough. Boil a few pieces of ginger in 1 cup of water, then add 2 teaspoons of shad to it and drink it 2-3 times a day. You will definitely get relief from cough. Apart from this, you can chew a few pieces of ginger like this.
4.Use of salt water
Salt water is very effective in cough. It relieves throat pain and also gives relief from cough. Take 1 glass of lukewarm water and add 1 tbsp salt in it. Now take this water in your mouth and gargle for 15 minutes. Keep repeating this process. Your throat will get a lot of relief from this.
5.Use of lemon
Lemon contains vitamin C which removes cough infection. Mix 1 tbsp honey in 2 tbsp lemon juice. Drink this several times a day, your cough will reduce.
6.Uses of garlic
Garlic has antibacterial property which is helpful in relieving cough. Add 2-3 cloves of garlic in 1 cup of water and boil. Let it cool a little, add honey to it and drink.
7.Use of onions
This is a pretty simple cough cure approach. Drink a concoction of one-third honey and one-third onion juice two to three times a day. This will undoubtedly provide you with relief.
8.Using heated milk
Chest pain is lessened and coughing is relieved by warm milk. Shave two spoons into one glass of milk and sip. Sip this before going to bed. Cough relief will come from this.
9.Using black pepper
Additionally, black pepper is a fantastic cough reliever. Crush it and consume it with milk to relieve your cough. In addition, grind it, sauté it in ghee, and consume it every day. The cough will soon clear up.
10.Application of almonds
Almonds are rich in nutrients that help soothe coughs. Overnight, soak four to five almonds in water. The following day, crush it into a paste and stir in 1 tsp of butter. Until you feel better, take it three to four times a day.
These are all natural ways that you can also apply to youngsters. Nobody will suffer any harm as a result of this. And you will undoubtedly achieve excellent outcomes. However, you should see your doctor if, after two weeks, you are still experiencing discomfort.
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