Best Healthy Chicken Broth Potato Soup Recipe

Chicken Broth Potato soup is often very popular among people, and the focus is on preparing it a lot in every month, as it is saturated and delicious. Potato soup is distinguished by its distinctive taste and the high nutrition value of its component. It is also easy to prepare full stop it does not require more than 10 minutes to prepare it and another 25 minute to cook it full stop in this articles we will provide you with the ingredients that are sufficient for people with the method of preparation, open that you like our special days for this day which you can present.

Potatoes are a great source of carbohydrates known for their ability to give a feeling of satiety, so potatoes are a good choice in preparing delicious dishes  at any  time, but it is worth knowing that a lot of potatoes may lead to obesity and some digestive disorders.

One of the delicious potato recipes is Chicken Broth potato soup, which we will learn about in detail in the following. A quick and easy potato soup recipe, here's how to work it in.

Bring the following ingredients:

  1. Two potatoes, cut into medium-sized cubes.
  2. Two tablespoons of butter.
  3. One medium onion, finely chopped.
  4. One tablespoon of chopped fresh ginger.
  5. 1 teaspoon of salt, or to taste.
  6. Quarter of a teaspoon of black pepper , the quantity can be changed as desired.
  7. Half a teaspoon of fine coriander.
  8. Half a cup of finely chopped parsley.
  9. Three cups of meat or chicken broth or water.
  10. One cup of milk.
  11. Half a cup of shredded cheddar cheese.

2. Method of preparation

Follow the steps below for how to make potato soup:

  1. Put the butter in a deep saucepan over a low heat, and stir until it melts well.
  2. Add the onions, garlic and ginger  to the melted butter, and stir well with  a wooden spoon until the onions change color and turn golden brown.
  3. Add the potatoes, then the coriander, salt and black pepper to the pot, and stir all the ingredients well, until the potatoes are saturated with the flavor and aroma of the spices.
  4. Add chopped parsley, milk, and broth to the pot.
  5. Leave the soup on a medium heat until it boils at least one boil, then reduce the heat and then cover the pot, and leave for 30 minutes until the potatoes are cooked.
  6. Put the potato soup in the jug of the mixer, and run the electric mixer on medium speed until it becomes very smooth.
  7. Return the soup to the pot, heat well, and add more meat or chicken broth if needed and it is too thick.
  8. Pour the soup into serving plates, sprinkle parsley on top of the soup to garnish, and sprinkle cheese on top. 

Tips for preparing potato soup in a healthy way

  • For a healthy potato soup, you can follow the following tips:
  • not to add too much salt ; Because it raises the pressure, and increases thirst.
  • It is preferable to boil potatoes before preparation to be more healthy.
  • It is preferable to use chicken broth or meat broth of fresh origin, and to stay away from ready-made chicken broth.
  • Wash parsley well before use, and you can sprinkle salt on it and then wash it to be more clean.
  • It is recommended to replace butter with olive oil as it is more healthy.
  • It is preferable to eat potatoes with their peel; Because many important nutrients are available in the peel.


Soup is very beneficial for the human body, as it is rich in vitamins. Eat it in abundance, especially during winter days. On our website is giving good   food recipe  and how to make it so, stay turned with our website and share this recipe to everyone. 


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