Autobiographical Element Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness theme

Autobiographical elements in any novel indicates the similarity between the incidents that take place in the content of the novel and the events that take place in the personal and family life of the author almost all authors  are influenced by the society in their personal and private lives. The element of autobiographical touch comes in the work of art due to this very truth of literary writings. It comes in Literature generally unconsciously but sometimes if is expressed consciously also.

Most of the Victorian novelist where the victim of exploitation disaster and poverty due to imperialism class conflict and colonism: Charles Dickens as a novelist  in autobiographical in David Copperfield and Joseph Conrad becomes autobiographical.

 In the heart of Darkness, some novelist Express themselves in the first personal method where as some of them create a character and get themselves expressed by him or her. In the proceeding of the novel , in heart of Darkness Marlowe explains everything on the behalf of novelist himself. Among the Traveling party sent by European company for adventures, Marlowe is included and he express whatever he find  in the forest of Congo. In personal life, the father of Joseph Conrad throughout his life, suffers due to exilement by the Russian government from the country of Poland  and along with him his mother and himself he had to undergo a number of tribal and poverty in his life.

 Joseph conrad load had to suffer a lot not only financially but also socially and Psychologically. In this  tragedy of the life in the first stage,  the rule of Russian government, the death of his father, his mother, his own life once at stake could not be over looked by writing novels. The life of Kurtz who represented the democratic spirit of Revolt and who was imprisoned and and force his death  for want of medical treatment can't be set  aside. The death of his father pears  a similarity. Marlowe  sometime play the role of Lord Buddha because the later  life Conrad forgave everybody but could not react against the European imperialist exploratory attitude to the people of Congo here reflection of merciful, compassionate and survile life of Lord Buddha can be seen in the life of Conrad who read much to write many books but was never revengeful as a person and as a writer therefore it can be said the heart of Darkness has many autobiographical  element in the heart of Darkness.


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