Home Remedies to Remove Specs From Eyes

Home Remedies to Remove Specs From Eyes

Nowadays many people are troubled by poor eyesight and have to wear glasses or lenses all the time. Once people get spectacles, the number of spectacles keeps increasing and it becomes a lifelong headache.

If timely attention is not given to one's vision and the causes of problems in it, then the condition of wearing glasses comes. However, by adopting some home remedies this problem can be solved and spectacles can be avoided.

Main reasons for poor eyesight –

  • our lifestyle
  • watch more tv
  • excessive use of mobile computers
  • not eating nutritious food
  • due to some illness

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Specs in Your Eyes

Carrot Juice

Eating carrot juice is good for the eyes since it contains a variety of vitamins that are good for maintaining eye health.

All you need to do to get carrot juice is give some carrots a thorough wash and then peel them.

Juice is extracted by chopping it into little pieces and placing them in a blender. To improve the flavour of this juice, you can optionally add lemon juice. Make an effort to consume this juice on a regular basis.

Coriander Juice

Very few people would be aware that with the help of coriander, eyesight can also be improved and to improve eyesight, you will have to extract a little juice from it and put this juice in both your eyes. . After putting its juice in the eyes, keep your eyes closed for 15 to 20 minutes.

Consume more green vegetables –

Green vegetables contain many beneficial elements which are beneficial for the body, hence eating these vegetables also benefits the eyes and helps in maintaining good eyesight.

In case of poor eyesight, it can be improved by eating different types of green vegetables daily, whereas if you do not like to eat vegetables, then you can make soup of these vegetables and consume it.

Rose-flavored Water

Rose water helps to soothe the eyes, and when applied topically, vision does not deteriorate. Consequently, you need to put rose water in your glasses twice a week if you wear them. But, make sure the rose water you are using is the proper grade and fits your eyes before putting it in your eyes. Additionally, rose water can be made at home.

Uses of Triphala

Put 1 teaspoon Triphala powder in 1 glass of water and keep it overnight. Now filter this water the next morning and wash your eyes with this water. Keep clean water handy while washing eyes. By doing this you will see the effect in 1 month. Do this process daily and you will definitely get results.

Mustard Oil

There are various uses for mustard oil, and it's a great oil. This oil has the potential to significantly improve eyesight as well. All you have to do is massage your feet for a while after applying this oil to the bottoms of your feet each night before bed.

Consume Fruits

Fruits are incredibly beneficial to the eyes. You should start eating fruits like papaya, oranges, and grapes to keep your eyesight healthy and possibly even get better.

Almonds, sugar candy and fennel

If you consume powder made from fennel, almonds and sugar candy daily, it will be beneficial for your eyes. After grinding these things, put them in a box and take this mixture in the quantity of 10 grams with 250 ml of milk every day before sleeping, while giving this mixture to children only in the quantity of 5 grams.

Bilberry –

The fruit called Bilberry acts as an antioxidant and maintains proper blood flow in the human body. Besides, eating it also has a good effect on the retina and the problem of low vision can also be solved by eating this fruit.

Spinach Soup

Eyesight can also be improved by drinking spinach soup and hence you should add spinach soup to your diet, if possible then consume this soup three days a week.

fish -

Eyesight can also be improved by eating fish, in fact the vitamins present in fish are beneficial for the eyes. If you do not like to eat fish, then you can consume capsules of its oil sold in the market.

Some Exercise To Remove Specs From Eyes

Eyesight can be improved by doing various types of exercises and yoga. Therefore, you must do eye exercises daily.

put hands over eyes

You sit on a chair and then rub your hands together and as soon as your hands start getting warm, you close your eyes and then place them on your eyes. Keep doing this process for five minutes, doing this exercise gives relief to your eyes, so do this exercise daily.


People who use computers and TV too much have affected eyes, so if you also use these types of things too much, then start the exercise of blinking.

To do this exercise, you just have to close your eyes quickly and then open them, keep doing this exercise for at least two minutes.

Massage your eyes –

Massaging with light hands provides a lot of relief to the eyes. By doing this their light can also be increased. To massage the eyes, you will have to close your eyes and massage them with the help of hands, however, do not press the eyes too much while massaging.

Move your eyes in all directions –

You sit comfortably on a chair and first look upward with your eyes and then slowly bring them downwards. Similarly, first look towards the left side of the eyes and then slowly move them towards the right side, do this exercise for at least three minutes.

Other things related to taking care of eyes –

Clean your eyes with cold water at least twice daily, doing this provides relief to them and does not put any kind of stress on them.


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